Sunday, November 28, 2010

Relational Aesthetics

Relational Aesthetics seem to be reactionary to modern art. The idea that times have changed and so has and should art practices. The fundamentals that appear to make up Relational Aesthetics are very broad yet narrow at the same time. The idea that the new goal is to not have a goal. Some combination of defining sets of non definition. Objects are allowed to just be what they are. I believe these ideas are an attempt at opening up art to be inclusive as opposed to the high-brow exclusiveness of Modern Art. The idea of connecting people to the practices of the everyday and also doing those things together is very apparent. Relational Aesthetics also calls for a more sensory approach to art, the way it is seen and even touched, the works draw heavily from interaction therefore demanding it during its consumption.

I believe photography is related to Relational Art however it takes a specific kind of photograph to confidently label as such. I believe a photograph would most easily be placed in this realm if the photograph is simply the means of showing what occurred. Something performance based that was done perhaps in public so to make a certain point. The photograph as proof seems to be its easiest connection.

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